Friday, July 15, 2011


The main objective of this PBC is undoubtedly to reach out to the lost and hurting, but praise God when the lost and hurting reach out to you! On a simple quest to pass out as many fliers as possible in a Wal-Mart parking lots, the rest of the team was getting yelled at by security to cease when I ran into a Navajo man sitting in his car. I simply offered him a flier for our outreach when he asked me to stay and pray with him. He told me of how he "fell off the wagon" after 14 years of sobriety and serving God. Fallen back into his old self of drug use and alcoholism, Melvin was lost and hurting in his sin and he KNEW himself he NEEDED God! While saying a sinner's prayer with him the Holy Ghost manifested once and he shook in the Power, and Mr. Dans came up and assisted in the prayer. I left to let Melvin talk alone with Mr. Dans and when I went back less than 4 minutes later, the whole group was laying hands on Melvin and the Holy Ghost manifested AGAIN in a burning sensation in his leg, he said! We needed to leave for time's sake, but there is no doubt that God led us to that parking lots at that time, and to his car of all the cars for a divine appointment for Melvin :)

1 comment:

I's Mom said...

Praise God! Isn't God Awesome.