Note: We were cleaning with wood oil cleaner.
Ms Cherise: Landon start cleaning now!
Landon: I hate oil!
Priscilla: NO YOU DON'T cause oil is what makes your food!
Landon: *serious* Oh, I love oil.

Ms Cherise: *picks up bucket with one hand and the bucket broke* Did I tell you that I'm super woman?
Note:We were cutting up a bush and there was a lot of dirt left.
Pastor Marshall: You guys go get a shovel for this dirt.
Priscilla: Why can't we just use Landon's mouth? :]

Note: Dayanna and Melissa went to get laptop from the guys' room
Chris Richie: *asked the girls*You want to see the toilet explode?
Landon: *all the way in the back of the room* Too much Chipotle!!
Ms Cherise: Landon start cleaning now!
Landon: I hate oil!
Priscilla: NO YOU DON'T cause oil is what makes your food!
Landon: *serious* Oh, I love oil.
Ms Cherise: *picks up bucket with one hand and the bucket broke* Did I tell you that I'm super woman?
Note:We were cutting up a bush and there was a lot of dirt left.
Pastor Marshall: You guys go get a shovel for this dirt.
Priscilla: Why can't we just use Landon's mouth? :]
Note: We played a prank on Landon.
Ms Cherise: Go get your cookie from Melissa.
Landon: Melissa! Give me my cookie! *Landon runs toward Melissa*
Melissa: *puts TOY cookie on Landon's dirty arm*
Landon:*shoves it, without chewing, in his mouth and attempts to swallow*
Ms Cherise: SPIT IT OUT! It's plastic!
Landon: *spits it out* Yaah Jerks!
Ms Cherise: Go get your cookie from Melissa.
Landon: Melissa! Give me my cookie! *Landon runs toward Melissa*
Melissa: *puts TOY cookie on Landon's dirty arm*
Landon:*shoves it, without chewing, in his mouth and attempts to swallow*
Ms Cherise: SPIT IT OUT! It's plastic!
Landon: *spits it out* Yaah Jerks!
Note: We passed by a giant bridge
Dayanna: *all concerned* How does the train get up there!?
Melissa: You push a button and the rails go down...
Dayanna: *all concerned* How does the train get up there!?
Melissa: You push a button and the rails go down...
Note: Dayanna and Melissa went to get laptop from the guys' room
Chris Richie: *asked the girls*You want to see the toilet explode?
Landon: *all the way in the back of the room* Too much Chipotle!!
"We're going to be weird for Jesus!!"
-Pastor Marshall
-Pastor Marshall
I'm loving these posts. Priscilla and Dayanna are killing me (and Landon). Keep it coming.
Poor Landon! Everybody is always picking on him - (smirk and giggle) Its nice to be loved isn't it, hijo. Who is Brian Mitchell?
right?! priscilla and landon are too funny :)
Brian Mitchell aka Brian Grise
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