Saturday, July 16, 2011
A Miraculous Turnout
The outreach at the park had a great turn out.We had around 250 show up! The chior sang a few songs and we had some amazing testimonies given by Oscar and Robert, and when Pastor Gregory pulled the altercall we had 20 people answer it, and then as the adults went around and talked to some people we had at least 20 other people dedicate their lives to Christ. People were curious about the church and the things we were saying, they where asking questions and really searching for the answers. On the way home in the bus Robert pulled an altercall and we all praised God for the miracles that he worked tonight and all through this week.
Saturday Nights
Tonight was a very interesting night! Unlike all the other groups our main outreach occured on friday night and tonight was a bit of a chill out day for us. During the week due to a lack of sleep and intense amount of work a lot of stresses and grumpinesses has been built up. Tonight was our day to release all of that. The night began with a bit of a mix up. We had all been craving Mexican food all week and agreed on "Si Senor" for dinner. Fortunately Mrs. Patty called ahead and found oput that "Si Senor" was rather expensive. Instead we ended up going to a little restraunt called Los Hermanitos. When we got there Mr. Dans, and Nic, met the manager. His name was Jeremy and just so happened to be a born again, tongue talking Christian!! After rapid consumption of some of the best mexican food I've EVER had, we were treated to free sopapillas and a few bags of extra chips to take home. These Chips are the Lord's chips, because they were provided by the Lord. Now that we have free chips, and delicious sopapillas it was time to release the wiggles... We went to a beautiful little park where we spent time kicking a soccer ball, throwing frisbies, and getting totally smashed by Nic in a swing jumping contest. Then on the way back to the hotel we stopped by the church to clean up and prepare for church tomorrow. The whole time laughing ridiculiously hard AT The little pony, and the Gazelle, singing to music in the car. All in all tonight was greatly needed and much appreciated night of stress relief and Bonding. Now Fully whiped of all energy we head off to bed. Good night!!
Richard... the Opressor...
Richard... the Opressor...
Rapture Ready
Plundering hell to populate heaven! People receive Christ after watching "Vanished" and hearing Pastor Marshall's testimony.
Reaping the Harvest
The lost coming to Christ. Praise God!
Now we are showing "Vanished". May many more get their lives right with God.
-Oregon Soldiers for Christ
Saturday's fruit
Amazing...just amazing. The pancake breakfast and the BBQ went absolutly great. It was raining down on us here in Oregon during the pancake breakfast, but people still stayed outside waving a sign around inviting people to come join us. We had 8+ visitors come in to the pancake breakfast, including a little girl and her aunt who enjoyed the meal and conversation greatly. One man came in and got saved during the pancake breakfast and the power of God really moved on him. There was also a man who came to the pancake breakfast early and we began to tell him about Jesus Christ. He says he doesn't go to church, but always goes to their free food events. He ended up getting angry when we asked him if he wanted to get saved, and ended up leaving.
We saw a shortage of people after the pancake breakfast, so we quickly practiced our skits, then we went door to door to invite people to the BBQ. People began to follow us to the church, eager to eat and see what was going on. 5 people got saved and each one of them stayed longer to chat and just learn more about God. During the movie tonight, one more person got saved, and he said he would bring his friends to sunday service. God is moving mightily in this church.
P.S. the boys made a deal to do atleast 150 push-ups a day. So when your children get back home, they'll be in good shape. If they can do push-ups that is.
We saw a shortage of people after the pancake breakfast, so we quickly practiced our skits, then we went door to door to invite people to the BBQ. People began to follow us to the church, eager to eat and see what was going on. 5 people got saved and each one of them stayed longer to chat and just learn more about God. During the movie tonight, one more person got saved, and he said he would bring his friends to sunday service. God is moving mightily in this church.
P.S. the boys made a deal to do atleast 150 push-ups a day. So when your children get back home, they'll be in good shape. If they can do push-ups that is.
Getting food for park outreach!!!
Me (Emily), Krisin, Brittney, Shaunna, and Oscar are at sams club getting tons of food for the park outreach tonight. Woot! And we're all getting fat off of all the free samples sams club has. Lol ;p
Farmington Funny Moments and Nicknames
*Everyday Ricky gets slapped in the face at least 20 times after someone says "GUERO*slap*Look alive!!"
*Mr. Dan- At a certain age you start losing things, like your mind.
Taylor- Did you lose your mind with your hair?
*Everyone has been quoting and talking like Nacho Libre since our first meeting.
*Drunk guy in Church's chicken-You guys all looking at us like we don't got money, we got money!!*pulls out five 1 dollar bills and one 10*
*All the guys watching Say Yes to the Dress with the girls in their room and yelling at the TV
*JJ told Alexis that the windows in the van were up when it started to rain and Alexis went out and tried to roll them up anyway
*Mr. Dan "Hombre, don't write the numbers in Spanish" Alexis *bewildered look*
*Richard "Alexis, call the girl's room" Alexis two inches away from the phone "I CAN'T SEE THE NUMBERS!!!"
*Taylor "Mr. Dan, I heard you knocking on the door for like 5 minutes but I was too lazy to answer the door"
*Nic "The Denton group, they steal our city, they steal our movie, now we steal their lives..."
-We came back to the hotel after the long outreach yesturday and Ricky goes to their old room and trys to open they door.
*Haley- Ricky what are you doing? (while tapping on their new room door)
*Ricky- ohhhh..i forgot (walks away slowly)
Natalie- Taking pictures of J.J while hes washing dishes.
J.J- "Take one more picture woman and see if you won't have a spatula imprint on your face!"
Natalie- I'll like to see that. (walks away slowly). and returns and takes another picture.
J.J- Runs after Natalie around the church with a spatula.
Richard-the Oppressor
JJ-Juan Pablo, Jason James, Jesse James, San Juan, Dan Juan
Elijahmarie-Little Pony
Taylor-the Gazelle
Haley-Polk a dot, Sweetpea
Natalie-Boss Lady
Alexis-El callado, doby
*Mr. Dan- At a certain age you start losing things, like your mind.
Taylor- Did you lose your mind with your hair?
*Everyone has been quoting and talking like Nacho Libre since our first meeting.
*Drunk guy in Church's chicken-You guys all looking at us like we don't got money, we got money!!*pulls out five 1 dollar bills and one 10*
*All the guys watching Say Yes to the Dress with the girls in their room and yelling at the TV
*JJ told Alexis that the windows in the van were up when it started to rain and Alexis went out and tried to roll them up anyway
*Mr. Dan "Hombre, don't write the numbers in Spanish" Alexis *bewildered look*
*Richard "Alexis, call the girl's room" Alexis two inches away from the phone "I CAN'T SEE THE NUMBERS!!!"
*Taylor "Mr. Dan, I heard you knocking on the door for like 5 minutes but I was too lazy to answer the door"
*Nic "The Denton group, they steal our city, they steal our movie, now we steal their lives..."
-We came back to the hotel after the long outreach yesturday and Ricky goes to their old room and trys to open they door.
*Haley- Ricky what are you doing? (while tapping on their new room door)
*Ricky- ohhhh..i forgot (walks away slowly)
Natalie- Taking pictures of J.J while hes washing dishes.
J.J- "Take one more picture woman and see if you won't have a spatula imprint on your face!"
Natalie- I'll like to see that. (walks away slowly). and returns and takes another picture.
J.J- Runs after Natalie around the church with a spatula.
Richard-the Oppressor
JJ-Juan Pablo, Jason James, Jesse James, San Juan, Dan Juan
Elijahmarie-Little Pony
Taylor-the Gazelle
Haley-Polk a dot, Sweetpea
Natalie-Boss Lady
Alexis-El callado, doby
Events from the Night that would Never End
Last night was Denton's Breakawayyyyyyy, Breakawayyyyee! Had a blast as Chad preached the WORD about Where are you Going and relating it with the Prodigal Son. After service, we had a 15 minute prayer meeting with the church. THEN, the madness started. We had 30 minutes of church kareokee before Collins was kicked off the stage for playing Crazy Train!!!! Had to explain we play our ROCK for the LORD (lyrics changed :0) ). Then we ate. Denton's band, Redeemed rocked the house with some praise and worship followed up with Princeton, a local rapper. We were all a little dissapointed that DC could perform last, i'm not talking about Dillon Chase, I'm talking about Danny Cruz a/k/a Cruzer! The teens were having a blast, acting like they were at a real concert...oh wait, it was a real concert. Around 1:00, some people started drifting in and out of conciousness. We got some good photos of our youth giving in to the night, and passing out! The reality of the night had sunk in....our youth were walking around like zombies, looking for a place to Lay Before the Lord. We watched Nacho Libre at 3:30, which we dead at about 4:30, then transfered to Extreme Days, a movie i have never seen, and didnt quite understand the meaning of (didn't finish watching the movie, so that may be why i didnt understand what was going on). OVERALL, it was a Fun but LOONNNGGG night. Below are some photos from the night.
Pillow Fight
Oscars devo this morning on meekness and self control inspired an epic pillow fight after in the hotel room (I think we missed something).
Here is a reenactment of Shaunna and I's first and last pillow fight about 10 years ago.
Today is the day!
We begin our day by serving up pancakes to anyone and everyone. Be looking for pictures of the rest of the day. Up next: BBQ & concert
Going Home
We made it. Chad, Esmi, Elizabeth and Vianca are the only all-night survivors. Off to the hotel for some sleep!!!!!!
STILL HERE. DAY-DREAMING (well, morning dreaming) OF MY BED! Ready to sleep. Now watching Extreme Days. Majority of youth are sleeping on church chairs while others play card games or video games. The body is running on fumes...has been for at least 4 hours. Is currently 5:24 AM.
The Night That Wouldn't End
STILL AWAKE. Watching Nacho Libre at 4:30 in the morning. 2 hours left in the lock-in!!
All Day Long Now, I've Been With Jesus

It has been a wonderful day. Tedashii said to "Go hard", and thats what we went out to do in the Phoenix sun. We started to hit the streets early; by about 7:45, we split into two groups on different "stations" along the path of the rail transit hitting people up getting on and off the train with flyers, tracts, and the gospel. We had hard hearts and open hearts, normal and abnormal characters, but ultimately had the victory. We prayed with a few people, and was able to cast some good seed on good ground. We ran into a "prophet" who said only Jews and blacks were going to heaven, a morman, and a guy who said when asked what church he goes to "the fellowship.... of the ring! I am Frodo Baggins." A cop ended up coming up to us and suggested that we leave the area because he thought it was too dangerous for us; we were leaving anyway, but the angels of God were with us while there! Every time you go out witnessing, the best stories return with you. We went back to the church for a bit to regroup and Robert did the daily devional on the next two fruit of the Spirit: goodness and kindness.
After that, we went downtown to do some more witnessing. Surprisingly, it was pretty dead down there, but as it got closer to lunch, people were out on the streets and targets for us. We got some lunch, found a swingset for the long jump off; Robert got the furthest, Chris got the highest, and the rest of us pretty much failed. We went back to the hotel for some rest, went back downtown to do some preaching; most of the people had left again (for 5-6 million people, Phoenix downtown is empty!), but we had a decent amount to hear the Gospel proclaimed and Jesus lifted up. We (Oscar, Robert, myself, and ASHLEE!) stood next to another one of the light rail "stations" for everyone waiting to get on to hear us. They either had to listen or miss their transportation; it worked out perfect for us. What was really cool was when the train would pull up, the doors all opened, and everyone inside heard the preaching, and were looking out to what was going on.
From there we went over to Pastor Gould's for their Breakaway service which was good, and a packed house too! We sang all the way back to the hotel on the other side of this giant city, and once again, had plenty of laughs.
After that, we went downtown to do some more witnessing. Surprisingly, it was pretty dead down there, but as it got closer to lunch, people were out on the streets and targets for us. We got some lunch, found a swingset for the long jump off; Robert got the furthest, Chris got the highest, and the rest of us pretty much failed. We went back to the hotel for some rest, went back downtown to do some preaching; most of the people had left again (for 5-6 million people, Phoenix downtown is empty!), but we had a decent amount to hear the Gospel proclaimed and Jesus lifted up. We (Oscar, Robert, myself, and ASHLEE!) stood next to another one of the light rail "stations" for everyone waiting to get on to hear us. They either had to listen or miss their transportation; it worked out perfect for us. What was really cool was when the train would pull up, the doors all opened, and everyone inside heard the preaching, and were looking out to what was going on.
From there we went over to Pastor Gould's for their Breakaway service which was good, and a packed house too! We sang all the way back to the hotel on the other side of this giant city, and once again, had plenty of laughs.
Friday, July 15, 2011
OSC photo marathon
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